
Ostrich maintaining in its mouth a horseshoe (Period)

Ostrich maintaining in its mouth a horseshoe (Period)

The ostrich is a gawky, flightless bird, famed for its ability to digest the non-digestible.  For that reason, it’s frequently depicted with a bit of iron in its mouth (usually a horseshoe, sometimes a key), even when not so blazoned.  The ostrich is a period charge, found in the arms of Robard of Kyrton, c.1460 [RH].  The ostrich is statant and close by default.

Creppin a l’Ostriche bears:  Gules, an ostrich statant wings elevated and addorsed Or.

William Crome bears:  Argent, an ostrich and on a chief azure, a feather fesswise argent.

Vladislav the Purple bears:  Purpure, on a bend sinister between a harp and an ostrich close Or, a decrescent palewise purpure.

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